Hey people.. following is the mail we sent to the HRD minister and the editors of the major newspapers in India regarding the IIM admissions...
Please mak a note of sending a copy of the same (or with modifications) as soon as is humanely possible!
Subject: Plight of students due to the delay in IIM results (for 2007 -2009 batch)
Dear Mr. Arjun Singh
With regards to your statement “None of the students will suffer”, we would like to draw your notice to a number of difficulties that are being faced by the currently shortlisted candidates for the IIM academic year 2007-09 (approximately 3000). The same are being listed below for your perusal.
Scrapping of the preparatory courses that are conducted prior to commencement of the academic calendar for the IIMs for 2007-09. This will hugely inconvenience a large number of students who will be joining the IIM programs and severely affect their performance in the later stages of their academic life in the IIMs.
Many of the IIM aspirants are working people, and in case of a successful admit from the IIMs, they will need to provide a notice period to their companies. This period is usually two months and failure to inform the company of the same will lead to at least a loss of income, and at most an inability to receive an experience letter from the company. This will adversely affect their career prospects.
Inordinate delay in the results will cause many students to opt for courses offered by other B-schools. This will both affect the quality of students joining the IIMs, as well as result in many deserving candidates losing an opportunity in moving up the waitlist and getting a seat.
The IIM academic calendar will be affected as a result of the delay in announcing the results, and this will ripple over to a delay in the summer internship calendar, as well as the final completion of the academic process. This will adversely affect the careers of the MBA students.
On receipt of a successful admit from an IIM, a candidate has to make significant changes in his/her life, including relocation to the city hosting the IIM and managing the live(s) of his/her dependent(s) and it is adversely affected due to the delay. This problem becomes much more pronounced in the case of married.
We request you to kindly go through the afore mentioned problems, faced by candidates for the IIM academic year 2007-09, due to the delay in the announcement of the results for the same. We further request you to please go through our problems while discussing the matter with the supreme court and act on it as soon as possible.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
(your name)
And we made it a point to send it to the following e-mail addresses.
arjuns@sansad.nic.in The HRD minister
thehindu@vsnl.com, db.dutta@deccanherald.co.in, editor@bhaskar.com, webmaster@jagran.com, ttedit@abpmail.com, editor@ibnlive.com, tss@timesgroup.com The Editors!
Thanking u all for doing the same.. lets make a difference!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
F.R.I.E.N.D.S ---- Act 1 Scene 1
College?? Was it that long back???....
Well, recently... I went to my college, and actually managed to feel nostalgic!!! :o
I don't know, was it really that long back?? that I went to college..
That I attended classes (and a lot of them), Went to the gate shop, that I spent time chatting with people, that I had to move 2 rooms and be in the room of another friend, that I was so much into the things that I did not have time to breathe???
Well, I guess 12 months is a very short time to some. But for people like me, it is more like a lifetime.. Because, that was the time people like me actually got out and did something with their lives. :D
I have tried to live back some of those things over here... Writing stuff about some of my friends, Something which I know will go unread by those friends.. but then, this is a very personal space.. isn't it ;-)
Department Dudes

Here is a gem of a dude. MY very very best friend of Chemical Dept.. Mr Srikant Anand Panchbhai aka popat!
Now as you can see... He is full of Muscles.. Similar to Venkatapathy Raju of India (age old dude)... What do I miss about him... His constant lamentations about the department are the first things which come to my mind.
See, the teachers which we had.. they were kinda inclined towards the fairer sex... and since neither of us were *ahem ahem* fair :D , and constituted the bottom quarter of the dept, well lets just say we had common interests!!!
About him.. the perfect friend any person (especially one as talkative as me) might have, because the forte of popat is.. that he listens.. and cares!!! Man.. Who will believe that this is a dude who doesn't mind spilling virtual blood at every opportunity!!! He takes care in such a good way.. that I can't fuckin say anything negative abt this dude!!!
Rock on Popat!!!

As I was saying, the initial few days in the department, and the following days in the department, and the following days in the hostels, I was able to cope only with the aid of these two dudes, popat and Swamiji aka Vijay Singh Bisht.
Well let me make it very clear, this guy is not at all interested in the mundane things of life, feelings emotions, hard work, ambition, etc etc ;-) (albeit he doesn;t mind the money). The one thing he is interested in is, making sure people around him do not downplay him. Which I was kinda careful about.
Hailing from the state of Uttaranchal, the pahari l**d has given us umpteen fundas ranging from "this" to "that" (I can't really put it in public view what all this dude has said abt so many things). A supremely interesting character, he generally claims the people around him to be chaat .
He can help you if he wants to, but then he generally never did want to help people (as he was too busy getting himself out of so many troubles).
The number of classes he has made bearable for me are kinda unprecedented!!! SO I'll just leave it at this... He is an asshole to the core... but he is one of the best friends I had in the dept!!! :P
Well, recently... I went to my college, and actually managed to feel nostalgic!!! :o
I don't know, was it really that long back?? that I went to college..
That I attended classes (and a lot of them), Went to the gate shop, that I spent time chatting with people, that I had to move 2 rooms and be in the room of another friend, that I was so much into the things that I did not have time to breathe???
Well, I guess 12 months is a very short time to some. But for people like me, it is more like a lifetime.. Because, that was the time people like me actually got out and did something with their lives. :D
I have tried to live back some of those things over here... Writing stuff about some of my friends, Something which I know will go unread by those friends.. but then, this is a very personal space.. isn't it ;-)
Department Dudes
Here is a gem of a dude. MY very very best friend of Chemical Dept.. Mr Srikant Anand Panchbhai aka popat!
Now as you can see... He is full of Muscles.. Similar to Venkatapathy Raju of India (age old dude)... What do I miss about him... His constant lamentations about the department are the first things which come to my mind.
See, the teachers which we had.. they were kinda inclined towards the fairer sex... and since neither of us were *ahem ahem* fair :D , and constituted the bottom quarter of the dept, well lets just say we had common interests!!!
About him.. the perfect friend any person (especially one as talkative as me) might have, because the forte of popat is.. that he listens.. and cares!!! Man.. Who will believe that this is a dude who doesn't mind spilling virtual blood at every opportunity!!! He takes care in such a good way.. that I can't fuckin say anything negative abt this dude!!!
Rock on Popat!!!
As I was saying, the initial few days in the department, and the following days in the department, and the following days in the hostels, I was able to cope only with the aid of these two dudes, popat and Swamiji aka Vijay Singh Bisht.
Well let me make it very clear, this guy is not at all interested in the mundane things of life, feelings emotions, hard work, ambition, etc etc ;-) (albeit he doesn;t mind the money). The one thing he is interested in is, making sure people around him do not downplay him. Which I was kinda careful about.
Hailing from the state of Uttaranchal, the pahari l**d has given us umpteen fundas ranging from "this" to "that" (I can't really put it in public view what all this dude has said abt so many things). A supremely interesting character, he generally claims the people around him to be chaat .
He can help you if he wants to, but then he generally never did want to help people (as he was too busy getting himself out of so many troubles).
The number of classes he has made bearable for me are kinda unprecedented!!! SO I'll just leave it at this... He is an asshole to the core... but he is one of the best friends I had in the dept!!! :P
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Ruminations of an idle mind
Empty vessels make more noise
Well, now I know how did the people (who sat together at the beginning of time to conjure up all these weird phrases to be incorporated into the language known as English) come up with this particular phrase.
Apparently (and I am speaking through personal experience), the moment people are idle, they start talking.
You won't believe it how much can they talk. Every living second of their idle time is spent in talking (for the betterment of society or with the intention of wiping out humanity? I cannot comment on that :mg: ).
So this post of mine is dedicated to my ruminations on how much can people speak. :D
According to me, people can speak in the following ways
This is probably the most common type of "talking". Idle people sitting around in a circle talking about everything under the moon, sun and the sky with apparently no more than passing interest in each of the topics discussed.
How many times have we seen dudes/dudettes sitting around in their rooms in their final eyar discussing about what has happened in the past 3 years. I mean, come on... we have lived those years already, why do we talk about it. Simply, because we have nothing better to do.
A classical example of the same would be oldies (ala people in the MDH ads) sitting near the entry of your mohalla chewing tobacco/paan or something and discussing.. hehehehe Ultimate scene... and the cause is very apparent! They have nothing better to do...
Now this can come in Hard copies (eg. paperback novels which you all read), mails or maybe even these kind of blogs (yup I do confess, I do have a lot of free time at hand).
I think I have taken enough time to prepare this thing and all of the people reading this know me well enough that what I have spoken, I actually practice!!!
All of this was just to prove one thing and one thing alone...

Apparently (and I am speaking through personal experience), the moment people are idle, they start talking.
You won't believe it how much can they talk. Every living second of their idle time is spent in talking (for the betterment of society or with the intention of wiping out humanity? I cannot comment on that :mg: ).
So this post of mine is dedicated to my ruminations on how much can people speak. :D
According to me, people can speak in the following ways
This is probably the most common type of "talking". Idle people sitting around in a circle talking about everything under the moon, sun and the sky with apparently no more than passing interest in each of the topics discussed.
How many times have we seen dudes/dudettes sitting around in their rooms in their final eyar discussing about what has happened in the past 3 years. I mean, come on... we have lived those years already, why do we talk about it. Simply, because we have nothing better to do.
A classical example of the same would be oldies (ala people in the MDH ads) sitting near the entry of your mohalla chewing tobacco/paan or something and discussing.. hehehehe Ultimate scene... and the cause is very apparent! They have nothing better to do...
This is probably the height of bakar, or rather making "noise". This usually indicates that a person has ventured in all possible avenues, conquered them and still has free time remaining. Now since it is almost impossible (for every person with non einsteinic brain) to do anything constructive in that time, the person in question takes it upon himself that it is but his duty to write down a few of his thoughts!This is the latest in a new series of speaking out loud ways but a lot more common than some of the older ones. So me feels me has to write about this before me goes to other topics. :D
So what do people do now?? They sit infront of the latest series of idiot boxes/slave driving equipment/dating medium/ computers :D and chat their hearts out!
I feel its basically the exasperation of everyone around oneself which drives people to move on to this medium. I mean look at it this way, what option does a person opening up a page have besides reading through everything which has been written over there? After all, even he is as idle as the next person!!
So what the end result is, that people can spend entire years infront of their monitors doing nothing but chatting through their fingers and giving vent to all the idle energy pent up inside of them!!! :D
So what do people do now?? They sit infront of the latest series of idiot boxes/slave driving equipment/dating medium/ computers :D and chat their hearts out!
I feel its basically the exasperation of everyone around oneself which drives people to move on to this medium. I mean look at it this way, what option does a person opening up a page have besides reading through everything which has been written over there? After all, even he is as idle as the next person!!
So what the end result is, that people can spend entire years infront of their monitors doing nothing but chatting through their fingers and giving vent to all the idle energy pent up inside of them!!! :D
Well, a not so novel way of what we term as "bakar"... The read-a-lot syndrome.. :D
Let me clarify myself. Imagine a dude, who has no-one around him who can talk to him easily. No-one seems to share the same interests as that dude. But then, even such a (lets term him a "sahdev" right now, for the want of a better word) sahdev wants to talk, to chatter but is put down by the (his view point) mediocre society he lives in. At this point of time he is bitten by the Read-a-lot bug. In this syndrome, he generally picks up an author (the one closest to his heart) and finishes him (as in, not kills him d-uh).
This sort of stimulates an imaginative spirit in the dude, something which he did not even imagine existed! Thus making up of bakar. Albeit this is probably the least noisy forms of talkativeness, but to the person involved, he is actually indulging himself in the act in the only way he can!! :D
Well, a not so novel way of what we term as "bakar"... The read-a-lot syndrome.. :D
Let me clarify myself. Imagine a dude, who has no-one around him who can talk to him easily. No-one seems to share the same interests as that dude. But then, even such a (lets term him a "sahdev" right now, for the want of a better word) sahdev wants to talk, to chatter but is put down by the (his view point) mediocre society he lives in. At this point of time he is bitten by the Read-a-lot bug. In this syndrome, he generally picks up an author (the one closest to his heart) and finishes him (as in, not kills him d-uh).
This sort of stimulates an imaginative spirit in the dude, something which he did not even imagine existed! Thus making up of bakar. Albeit this is probably the least noisy forms of talkativeness, but to the person involved, he is actually indulging himself in the act in the only way he can!! :D
Write something
Now this can come in Hard copies (eg. paperback novels which you all read), mails or maybe even these kind of blogs (yup I do confess, I do have a lot of free time at hand).
I think I have taken enough time to prepare this thing and all of the people reading this know me well enough that what I have spoken, I actually practice!!!
All of this was just to prove one thing and one thing alone...

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